Pintas IP Group

Overview of Southeast Asia Industrial Design


1. Legislations:
Prakas No. 706 on Patent, Utility Model and Industrial Design. 

2. Definition:
Industrial design is appearance of a product expressed in shapes, lines, dimensions, colors or any combination thereof. 

3. Criteria:
The general requirements for a design to be eligible for protection are:
– novelty
– it involves inventive step;
– it is susceptible of industrial application. 

4. Rule of Priority:
Applications for priority have to be made within six months from the earliest date of filing. 

5. Duration and Renewal:
The duration of protection is 5 years from the official filing date in Cambodia. Thereafter, the registration may be renewed every 5 years up to a maximum of 15 years.


1. Legislations:
Prakas No. 706 on Patent, Utility Model and Industrial Design. 

2. Definition:
Industrial design is appearance of a product expressed in shapes, lines, dimensions, colors or any combination thereof. 

3. Criteria:
The general requirements for a design to be eligible for protection are:
– novelty
– it involves inventive step;
– it is susceptible of industrial application. 

4. Rule of Priority:
Applications for priority have to be made within six months from the earliest date of filing. 

5. Duration and Renewal:
The duration of protection is 5 years from the official filing date in Cambodia. Thereafter, the registration may be renewed every 5 years up to a maximum of 15 years.

The entire duration for obtaining a Patent for design will take approximately 12 months as of the official filing date.

The following information and/or documents are required to file an application for an industrial design application in Cambodia:- 

1. Application form:
a) the name and address of the applicant.
b) description of the industrial design, comprising of –    (i) the name of the article to which the industrial design is applied; 
   (ii) the field of using articles to which the industrial design is applied;
   (iii) stating the salient features of design to which the registration is sought.
c) a statement justifying the applicant’s rights to the registration of the industrial design, if the creator himself is not the applicant. 

2. Power of Attorney. 

3. Six sets of representation of the design (drawings or photographs). 

4. Priority documents and certified English translation (if necessary) of the priority document.

Basic Requirements

Power of Attorney
Signed by applicant and notarized by the Notary Public
On filing date
Deed of Assignment
(if applicable)
Signed by applicant and notarized by the Notary Public
On filing date
7-view orthographic drawings or photographs (must exhibit white background and be in grayscale) – front, back, left, right, top, bottom and perspective view. Dimension of representation should not be less than 90mm x 120mm and not exceeding 210mm x 297mm.
On filing date

Additional Documents for Claiming Convention Priority

Priority documents
On filing date

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