Pintas IP Group

Intellectual Property Video

Intangible Assets More Powerful Than You Think
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In today’s innovation based economy, the value of a business is increasingly in intangibles, i.e., assets you cannot touch, see or count easily — it might be software, think of Google’s search algorithm or Microsoft’s Windows operating system; it might be a consumer brand like Coca-Cola; or it might be a drug patent or publishing copyright — you cannot easily enter a number for it into a spreadsheet, but it can be of huge value all the same!

The great corporate challenge is therefore figuring out how to fully utilize your intellectual properties – not just as legal instruments, but also as valuable financial assets, which may represent a significant portion of the value of your business, yet often not recorded on the balance sheet.

In this webinar, we will unveil the often overlooked yet the simplest step on how you could increase your company’s paid-up capital utilizing your intellectual properties.

Gain insights in
• Intellectual Property Strategies
• Steps in growing profits with Intellectual Property Rights
• Fundamentals of IP Accounting Standards
• IP Capitalization in 3 steps

Language: English
Date: 23rd February 2021
Time: 2:30 PM- 3:30PM
Venue: Facebook LIVE

Mr. Lok Choon Hong
Mr. Guaz Wei Jun
Mr. Joseph Kam
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