Pintas IP Tax helps turning your intellectual property assets into tax planning tools.
A. IP税收优惠
Pintas IP Tax 帮助IP所有者在东南亚司法管辖区申请相关税收优惠,并帮助将IP资产转化为有用的税收筹划工具。
- 您产生了多少应税收入(由于您的业务活动);
- 您有多少与IP相关的费用可以抵税;
- 您可以申请的资本免税额(广义上是折旧的税收等值)。
我们在东南亚地区根据修改后的 Nexus 方法向客户提供与IP相关的税收优惠相关的信息、建议和便利服务。 某些IP申报创新活动和IP投资有资格在东南亚的某些司法管辖区享受税收减免和/或资本免税额。
我们在东南亚地区根据修改后的 Nexus 方法向客户提供与IP相关的税收优惠相关的信息、建议和便利服务。 某些IP申报创新活动和IP投资有资格在东南亚的某些司法管辖区享受税收减免和/或资本免税额。
B. IP 版税规划
通过 IP 版税规划提高税收效率:
- 成立拥有所有重要知识产权资产的IP控股公司(IP Co)。
- IP公司最好设立在对IP公司拥有的IP资产所产生的所有特许权使用费收入征收最低税的司法管辖区。
- 为了更大程度地节税,可以利用在税收协定管辖区设立的中介公司来最大程度地减少特许权使用费支付者遭受的预扣税风险。 在提议的结构中,IP公司将成为集团的利润中心,集团运营产生的利润将被存放在这里。
- 集团的其他活动,如营销和销售、制造和生产以及研发,将减少到成本中心。
Pintas IP Tax helps turning your intellectual property assets into tax planning tools.
Tax / Royalty Planning at 3 different situations :
- New IP assets creation (development Stage)
- Acquisition of IP assets
- Existing IP assets owner in respect of revenue derived from IP Assets
A. Tax Incentives for Creation of Intellectual Property Assets
Tax Holidays for Companies that Create and Commercialise New IP
MSC Status |
Bionexus Status |
Pioneer Status |
Investment Tax Allowance |
1. Registration of patent, trademark, and product licensing in overseas
Cost of registration of patent, trademark, and product licensing overseas
- 仅限 马来西亚居民 公司
- 主要和主要目的是促进货物出口。 export of goods.
[Income Tax (Deduction for promotion of exports) Rules 2007.PU(A) 14/2007 Wef. YA2006]
2. Advertisement on Malaysia brand name goods
- 马来西亚人拥有70%–公司或其关联公司拥有的品牌名称
- 产品必须符合出口质量标准在马来西亚马来西亚品牌上做广告
- 在海外注册的马来西亚品牌的广告费用
- 支付给推广马来西亚品牌的公司的专业费用
[Income Tax (Deduction for promotion of exports) Rules 2007.PU(A) 62/2002 Wef. YA2002]]
3. Research Expenditure ( s.32A)
- Approved by minister
- 由参与产业调整的人员承担。
- 自批准之日起10年内发生
- Approved research project undertaken by a company either in-house or contracted to external research companies or institute
- 经批准的研究所提供的设施或服务的使用费
- 向批准的研究所捐赠现金
B) Tax Planning for Acquisition of IP Assets
- 通常,购买IP资产的成本不受扣除或资本津贴的限制! (无资本津贴的资本支出)
- 在2008年预算中,有税收减免,占购买成本的20%
i) for the locally incorporated companies to acquire high tech assets
ii) For a manufacturing Company to acquire IP “rights”?
for the use in the manufacturing process.
1. For Locally owned companies which acquire a foreign company to acquire high technology for production in Malaysia or to gain new export markets for local products
- Deduction for an amount = 1/5 ( 20% ) of the acquisition cost incurred for five years. , However, such acquisition must be verified by MIDA
- Acquisition must be in the form of cash transaction and completed within 3 years– Not allow for the second acquisition by the same Company.
- Acquisition costs includes the value of the share, Professional fees, stamp duty, traveling, and accommodation
[Income tax(Deduction for Cost of Acquisition of a foreign Owned Company) Rule 2003, Amended Rule 2008]
2. The cost of acquisition of propriety rights (IP) incurred by a manufacturing company for use in the manufacturing process
- 在购买的YA中扣除20%的成本,在YA之后的4中扣除营业收入,其中包括
- 所有权的购置成本,咨询和法律费用,印花税。
- 马来西亚人拥有70%。
[Patent, industrial designs or trademarks[Income tax(Deduction for Cost of Acquisition of a foreign Owned Company) Rule 2003, Amended Rule 2008]
Tax Planning for Existing IP Owners
- 出售知识产权资产,或
- 从知识产权资产中产生收入(即特许权使用费)
1. Outright Sale of IP assets
- 资本收益
- 免征所得税
- 根据税收和特许权使用费计划,考虑在较低税收管辖区的国家建立IPHC以获取IP资产
Outright sale of IP assets- Points to note:
- 愿意卖方愿意买方(受协议支持)
- 一次性支付。如果定期付款,可能要缴纳所得税
- 知识产权资产的估值–未来收入/现金流量预测
- 处置时间最大化的价值。
- 从第一天开始就设立IPC,这允许在马来西亚境内出售公司而不是出售IP资产!
- 成立MSC状态公司Bionexus Company
2. Royalties Planning
Generating Guidelines for Tax on “royalty fee” from IP assets:
- 在马来西亚从居民那里获得的收入(特许权使用费)需缴纳正常所得税
- ITA的S.2中定义了S.4(d)中的税项范围,特许权使用费
- 行政费用将从正常业务费用中扣除。 (以表明该公司正在开展业务)
- 将收入汇回马来西亚-居民从马来西亚境外在马来西亚获得的外国收入来源免除税收(第28段,第6项),包括股息收入和特许权使用费收入 – Foreign source of income received in Malaysia by a resident from outside Malaysia is exempted from tax ( para 28, sch 6) inclusive of dividend income and royalty income
Royalty Planning – Points to note:
- 知识产权收入不同于正常业务收入。它具有高度的移动性,可以轻松地移至另一个税收管辖区。
- 通过在税收管辖权较低或免税(例如英属维尔京群岛)的国家(例如新加坡/香港)设立IPHC,将收入转移到税收较低的国家,并获得IP资产
Singapore Tax Rate
1997-2000 – 26% , 2001-2001 -25.5% , 2002-2002- 24.5%, 2003-2004 -22%2005-2006 -20% , 2007-2009 – 18% , 2010 17%
- 支付给非住宅的特许权使用费的预提税10%– S109 / S15 / S3 / 4(d)–最终税(IT为25%)
- 将收入汇回马来西亚–居民从马来西亚境外在马来西亚获得的外国收入来源免税(包括股息收入和特许权使用费收入,第6章第28段)