Pintas IP Group

IP Training & Event

We help IP rich ventures to monetize and leverage on their IP assets through IP education and training. We design, manage and deliver customized training events and training program to promote and commercialize your IP assets.

IP Search

IP Finance

IP Structure

IP Enforcement

IP Tax

IP Valuation

IP Capitalization

We help IP rich ventures to monetize and leverage on their IP assets through IP education and training. We design, manage and deliver customized training events and training program to promote and commercialize your IP assets.

IP Training & Education

Through in-depth IP seminars and customized workshops, we share the latest best practices and trends on IP monetization and IP protection. The IP training and education is carried out by IPACADEMY, the dedicated IP training arm of PINTAS.

Specialized Educational Areas

Education Area
Patent Information Search & Analysis
Education Area
Patent Drafting & Prosecution
IP Strategy & Management
IP Finance & Valuation


Webinars & Workshops

  • Operates educational programs ranging from beginning courses of patent search and analysis to advanced courses of index analysis
  • Runs optimized educational content for various types of learners including researchers and employees specialized in patents

Webinars & Workshops

  • Maximizes educational effects by proposing the curriculum according to the needs of companies or institutes and developing cases
  • Conducts an outsourced education program for public organizations

Online Education Programs

Webinars & Workshops

  • Operates educational programs ranging from beginning courses of patent search and analysis to advanced courses of index analysis

  • Runs optimized educational content for various types of learners including researchers and employees specialized in patents

  • Maximizes educational effects by proposing the curriculum according to the needs of companies or institutes and developing cases

  • Conducts an outsourced education program for public organizations

IP Space Accelerator

Pintas assists deep tech IP ventures to accelerate and scale up their operations in the China Asean region through IPSPACE China Asean Technology (CAT) Accelerator Program, a project jointly curated with IPTECH. 

An acceleration program for IP rich technology venture from Southeast Asia and China regions to establish market-product fit and scale up in China-Asean markets.

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