Pintas IP Group

Overview of Southeast Asia Trademark


1. 法律法规:
The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2001 regarding Trademark. 

2. 定义:
A trademark is a sign used for the purpose of indicating a connection between a person having the right to use the sign and his goods or services. 

3. 标准:
Any logo, number, word, name, label, letter or a combination of the above may constitute a trademark. 

The mark should be distinctive or Capable of differentiation from another’s goods or services. 

A Trademark shall not be registered if it contains one of the following elements:

  •  being against the prevailing law, morality, religion, decency and public orders;

  •  having no distinguishing power;

  •  having been public property; or

  •  constituting the explanation of or being related to the goods or services for which registration is applied.

  •  geographical name or surname; or

  •  any other distinctive mark.

4. 成员资格:
√ – 巴黎公约
X – Madrid Protocol 

Indonesia is a member of the Paris Convention from 1950, whereby applications from convention countries will be subject to the same priority date in Indonesia. The application for priority has to be made within six months of the first application in a convention country. 

5. 优先权规则:
“First to File” is the rule followed by Indonesia in determining priority of trademarks.. 

6. 注册期限与续展:
A trademark once registered is valid for a term of 10 years and will be subject to protection depending on its further renewal.


1. 法律法规:
The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2001 regarding Trademark. 

2. 定义:
A trademark is a sign used for the purpose of indicating a connection between a person having the right to use the sign and his goods or services. 

3. 标准:
Any logo, number, word, name, label, letter or a combination of the above may constitute a trademark. 

The mark should be distinctive or Capable of differentiation from another’s goods or services. 

A Trademark shall not be registered if it contains one of the following elements:

  •  being against the prevailing law, morality, religion, decency and public orders;

  •  having no distinguishing power;

  •  having been public property; or

  •  constituting the explanation of or being related to the goods or services for which registration is applied.

  •  geographical name or surname; or

  •  any other distinctive mark.

4. 成员资格:
√ – 巴黎公约
X – Madrid Protocol 

Indonesia is a member of the Paris Convention from 1950, whereby applications from convention countries will be subject to the same priority date in Indonesia. The application for priority has to be made within six months of the first application in a convention country. 

5. 优先权规则:
“First to File” is the rule followed by Indonesia in determining priority of trademarks.. 

6. 注册期限与续展:
A trademark once registered is valid for a term of 10 years and will be subject to protection depending on its further renewal.

1. 申请
Every applicant is required to submit an application with the Indonesia Intellectual Property office 

2. 审查
On submission the Trade Marks office will examine the application for statutory compliances. Applicants will be given two months time to rectify incomplete applications else it will result in an automatic withdrawal of the application. On completion of the requirements a filing date will be issued by the office. Substantive examination is done thirty days after the filing date for a period of 9 months. 

3. 公告
An application is published in the Official Bulletin of Marks for a period of 3 months, on passing the examination stage in a maximum period of 10 days 

4. Opposition
Concerned parties are required to send oppositions concerning the subject matter of a trademark. The common grounds of opposition pertain to prior marks and infringement. Counter statements are required to be submitted within 2 months of the receipt of the opposition letter after which a re-examination will take place. The re-examination should be completed in two months time. 

5. Registration
On completion of the objections and opposition a Certificate of Registration will be issued subject to the payment of a fee. The duration of registration could take a minimum period of 12 -18 months. The registration is effective from date of application.

The following information and/or documents are required to file an application for a trademark application in Indonesia:- 

1. Application form. 

2. A list of goods or services (which closely follow the Nice International Classification). 

3. Twenty (20) clear copy of the mark. 

4. The full name, nationality and registered address of the applicant. 

5. Description of claim if colour or a combination of colour or a combination of colours is claimed as Trademark. 

6. For marks that contain non-English words, a certified transliteration and translation.

官方费用 (USD)
专业费用 (USD)
Search per mark per class
Filing application for one class excluding registration fee
75 (max 3 items) 10 for additional items
Reporting the issuance of the Notice of Acceptance of the application for publication, preparing and arranging for advertisement of an accepted application in the government gazette, checking and forwarding the Certificate of Registration
Recordal of change of name and/or address
Recordal of Assignment, per mark
Filing Renewal Registration


Patent specification, claims and extract in English
translated into Indonesian Language.
(if any)
One month from application date

Additional Requirement

With certified English translation
16 month from priority date (non-extendable)
No legalization requirement
1 month from application date
Assignment of Invention (if the applicant is not the inventor)
No legalization requirement
1 month from application date

Additional Documents for Entry of PCT National Phase in Indonesia

Form PCT/IB/306 or Notarized copy of Certificated of Change
2 month from application date
PCT specification as originally files
1 month from application date
Form PCT/RO/101
1 month from application date
Form PCT/IB/332
1 month from application date
Form PCT/IPEA/401
1 month from application date
Form PCT/IPEA/408
1 month from application date
Form PCT/IPEA/416
1 month from application date
Amendments file in the international phase
Between application until substantive examination request



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