Pintas IP Group

IP Protection

Under PINTAS IP Protection, We Help To Protect Your Intellectual Property Assets In All Your Strategic Markets And Production Bases Worldwide.



Protects inventions that offer solutions to technical problems


Industrial Design

Protects ornamental or aesthetic aspects of industrial products



Protects distinctive signs which identify certain goods or services



Protects original expressions of ideas reduced to material forms​

What is a Trademark ?

Just as your name identifies you and distinguishes you from others, a trademark identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from the source of other products or services.

Trademarks Classification

Regarding the trademark application, all goods and services under the sun are classified under the Nice Classification of Goods and Services, of which:

  • Goods (TM) : Class 1 – Class 34
  • Services (SM) : Class 35 – Class 45

On top of the classes for goods and services, applicants who wish to protect the trade channels may also file their trademarks under the channel classes:

  • Class 16 Printed Materials
  • Class 35 Retail Outlet (online and offline)

The Criteria of Register Trademark

New – A trademark is new if no prior applicant has filed an identical or confusingly similar mark in the same trademark classification of the national trademark register of the country in which the protection is sought.

Distinctive – A trademark is distinctive if it is not descriptive of nor in direct reference to the nature and character of the product or service to which the trademark is applied.


The Procedure of Trademark

Search – Although a prior search is optional it helps in determining the existence of previous marks. 

Application – Every applicant is required to submit an application with the respective Trademark office. 

Examination/Objection – On submission of the application, the Trademark office will examine the application for statutory compliances. such examinations could lead to office actions. Applicants will be informed and also give an opportunity to reply to such office actions. 

Publication/Opposition – A trademark which passes through examination be published in the government gazette subject to the satisfaction of the registrar. Third parties can oppose the application within three months of publication. (subject to individual country’s trademark laws) 

Grant – On completion of objections and opposition a Certificate of Registration will be issued by the trademark office subject to the payment of a fee. 

Renewal – A trademark once registered is valid for a term of 10 years and can be renewed every 10 years. (subject to individual country’s trademark laws) 

Although a prior search is optional it helps in determining the existence of previous marks.


Every applicant is required to submit an application with the respective Trademark office. 


On submission of the application, the Trademark office will examine the application for statutory compliances. such examinations could lead to office actions. Applicants will be informed and also give an opportunity to reply to such office actions. 


A trademark which passes through examination be published in the government gazette subject to the satisfaction of the registrar. Third parties can oppose the application within three months of publication. (subject to individual country’s trademark laws) 


On completion of objections and opposition a Certificate of Registration will be issued by the trademark office subject to the payment of a fee. 


A trademark once registered is valid for a term of 10 years and can be renewed every 10 years. (subject to individual country’s trademark laws) 

The Life of Trademark

The duration of protection is 10 years and can continue indefinately on payment of renewal fees every 10 years.

1. Legislations:
The Trade Marks Act (2005 Revised Ed) (Cap. 332), Trade Marks Rules and Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules. 

2. Definition:
A trademark Singapore is a sign used by a person in the course of business or trade to distinguish his goods or services from those of other traders. It has to be capable of being represented graphically. It can include any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, and aspect of packaging or a combination of these. It need not be visually perceptible. A brand owner is advised to register trademark Singapore to protect the brand that will be used in Singapore. 

3. Criteria:
Under trademark Singapore, for a trade mark to be registered it must be distinctive and capable of distinguishing the goods and/or services of the owner from other similar goods and/or services. Descriptive Marks, Marks ‘Common to the Trade’, marks contrary to public policy, deceptive marks or marks identical to earlier marks are all prohibited from registration. 

4. Membership:
√ – Paris Convention
√ – Madrid Protocol 

Singapore is a member of the Paris Convention from 1995, whereby applications from convention countries will be subject to the same priority date in Singapore. The application for priority has to be made within six months of the first application in a convention country. 

5. Rule of Priority:
In determining the priority of trademarks, “First to Use” is the rule for Trademark Singapore. 

6. Duration and Renewal:
A trademark Singapore application once registered is valid for 10 years from the date of application. It may be renewed every 10 years thereafter with payment of a renewal fee.

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